Thank you to my readers who have made this the best month ever, with nearly 2,500 visitors! This is quite an achievement as I don’t pay for advertising, so people seem to be finding my blog by word-of-mouth, my signature on ADVrider, or friends and family via my Facebook profile (and a few by Google searches).
Like any blog, I am writing from my own, personal perspective, but I try to justify that perspective with official stats and references where appropriate. There are many blogs out there and I appreciate those who take the time to read mine.
However, I know not everyone agrees with my point of view, but despite this, the comments remain suspiciously silent for most of my posts.
I would love to hear from some of my readers—please let me know what would encourage you to interact, and what sorts of topics you’d like to see. Say a little bit about yourself, even just a hello!
Elsewhere, I also include these posts on my public Facebook page and link via my Twitter account.
Once again, thank you for your support! It makes it all worthwhile!
Some fun facts (well, fun to me anyway!)
- 36% of my total views to date occurred in during April
- ‘First look at BMW’s Gear Shift Assist Pro’ is my most-read post with 422 views in 10 days
- The top 3 referring sites are BMW GS Club Netherlands, ADVrider and Facebook.
- The top 3 search terms in Google are ‘bmw r1200gs milka’, ‘draculas grave in kitzingen germany’ and ‘half fried chicken’ (I don’t know what to say about this!)
- 43% of readers are from USA, 30% from the UK and 5% from the Netherlands
- 42% of readers use Chrome, 31% use Safari and 12% use Firefox
- 31% of readers are on Macs, 27% on Windows and 25% on Linux
- 11% of readers use iOS (iPhone/iPad combined) and 2% use Android (phone/tablet combined)